We can certainly tailor our search process to meet the needs of our clients, but have developed a methodology that has consistently delivered results.
Search Evaluation: We invest time to understand your needs and the dynamics of your company culture.
Recruitment Initiation: We source candidates through passive channels, and do not utilize job boards.
Kingston O’Neill Interviews: Our interviews are designed to understand a candidates motivation, goals, and career progression FIRST before we delve into the details of your opportunity and their potential alignment.
Introduction: You will receive an email regarding the details of the candidate's background, along with an attached copy of their resume and their logistics (salary requirements, timing, etc.).
Your Interview Process: We are happy to take an active role in orchestrating interviews on your behalf. We debrief every candidate, share their feedback in a timely manner, and keep you looped in as the search process progresses.
Offer - We are happy to facilitate the offer stage, negotiations, timing, etc.